Dedicated to the wetplate collodion photography,
Medusa symbolizes all the myths of photography: single eye, set of mirrors, self portrait, beheading, shield against the horror look, stunning, decisive moment.....
Dédié à la photographie au collodion,
Méduse symbolyse tous les mythes de la photographie: oeil unique,jeu de mirroirs,auto-portrait,décollation, bouclier face à l'effoi, sidération, instant décisif...
(ref: Philippe Dubois, l'acte photographique isbn: 2091907669)
dimanche 22 avril 2012
Eindhoven wetplate portraits
We've had a great time in Eindhoven; 400 visitors during two days.
I shot 15 portraits
Here's a little gallery
Hi Fabrice, just now I see your portraits that you shot at Eindhoven. They are all beautiful but I'm very impressed by the beauty, impressiveness of the plate with Luther and his daughter.A real 'Fabrice' i think! regards Gerda
Amazing series
RépondreSupprimerwonderful stuff! :)
RépondreSupprimerHi Fabrice, just now I see your portraits that you shot at Eindhoven.
RépondreSupprimerThey are all beautiful but I'm very impressed by the beauty, impressiveness of the plate with Luther and his daughter.A real 'Fabrice' i think! regards Gerda